Natasha's Solo Performance

Natasha Nicholls' Place of Escape

Archive for March, 2014

Dealing With Nature – Richard Long


In starting to think about the practicalities of my project and how I’m going to manifest my vision in the studio space, I have been conducting research into looking at performance artists who specifically work with nature as I wish to bring, to an extent, the outdoors indoors.  Whilst reading Alison Oddey’s Reframing the Theatrical: Interdisciplinary […]

Drawing Connections with Chekhov’s The Seagull


“[The curtain rises to reveal a view of the lake, the moon on the horizon, its reflection in the water; Nina Zarechnaya is sitting on a large rock, all in white.] Nina: Men, lions, eagles and partridges, antlered deer, geese, spiders, silent fish which live in the water, starfish and organisms invisible to the eye […]

One Step At A Time


This past week I’ve been playing around with more ideas surrounding the ideas of peace and serenity, feelings I want to evoke through my performance and the performance space.  It is therefore important that the dialogue I have supports this.  However, I’m finding it difficult to create dialogue in a space and an environment that […]

A Place of Escape


In keeping with the fantastical and idealistic world that I’ve been experimenting with over the past few weeks, I feel I’ve developed a concept that now has room for progression. These are the ideas I have accumulated over the past couple of weeks: *To take a fairy tale and the structure of a fairy tale […]

Lindsey Stirling


Whilst trying to accumulate my ideas and attempting to put them into some sort of a concept, I came across a performance artist named Lindsey Stirling.  She is a violinist who dances whilst playing, creating original music. A contemporary twist on a traditional art form. The aspects of her work that interest me the most […]